Still Reading
Absolutely love the purchases, good quality!
Great way to communicate with your cat.
The book was straightforward and easy to understand, and all of the tips and information given worked quickly, with my cat and I catching on pretty fast. To this day it has opened a great form of communication between my cat and I that has allowed us to start doing many great activities together, such as taking walks outside. I am truly thankful to the Karen Pryor organization and would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to get along with their cat better or just have more fun with them!:)
Think you can't Train Your Cat? Think again!
It was Great. I discovered Kare's work through the writings of Temple Grandin. An easy read, and fun for both the owner and the cat. Turn on your cats "seeking" behavior. The click is perceived in the Amigdala,(the lizard brain) but not to illicit a fear response, but a quick and permanent learning experience for the cat. Using positive reinforcement without negative reinforcement works much faster with better results. Check it out sooner rather than later.